ChatGPTは「For more precise details, you can directly refer to the Bank of Japan's Tankan survey results, or consult financial information platforms like Markets Insider and Investing.com.」と言うが、日銀の公式サイトの構造は過度に官僚的で全く分かりにくい。
何処を見れば良いのか さっぱり見当がつかない。
>I understand the difficulty you're experiencing in navigating the Bank of Japan's website and finding reliable reports from think tanks. The exact historical peaks and troughs of the Tankan business sentiment index can sometimes be hard to locate in one centralized report.
>However, based on my search and financial records:
>1980s Peak: The peak of the Tankan DI for large manufacturers occurred in Q1 1989, where it reached 53. This peak reflects the height of Japan's economic bubble, driven by booming domestic consumption and asset prices.
>The current DI of 13 pales in comparison to this period, which explains why comparisons may not be prominently highlighted in current discussions of economic performance.
>For precise historical data, I recommend either:
>1. Searching within financial databases like the BOJ's statistical reports archive, or
>2. Reviewing analytical reports from financial institutions like Nomura or Daiwa, which often include Tankan historical data as part of their economic outlooks.
>Let me know if you need further assistance navigating these resources.
日経平均株価が「平成バブルのピークを34年振りに超えた」と日本政府は自画自賛しているが、平成バブル期(Q1 1989)の業況判断DI(大企業製造業)の『プラス53%ポイント』の1/4以下ではないか。
>iPhoneでみずから「同人ビデオ撮影」「男優志願」とやりたい放題! 支那人富裕層の訪日“破廉恥”ツアーが秘かに復活していた2023年01月16日(月) デイリー新潮
>ハワイに日本人女性“入国拒否”急增...“海外出稼ぎ売春"増加 業者を直撃 [2023/11/14(木) 09:38] テレ朝ニュース
日経平均が史上最高値に迫る勢いと言うが、本当に日本経済のファンダメンタルズが好調ならば、業況判断DI(大企業製造業)が たった『プラス13ポイント』だとか、「日本女性が富裕な外国人相手の売春で生計を立てようとしている」という上掲2つの記事のような惨めな状況にはならない。
>The Bank of Japan (BOJ) released its latest Tankan survey results on October 1, 2024, showing that the Diffusion Index (DI) for large manufacturers remained steady at 13, the same as the June 2024 reading. This stability reflects a mixed economic environment, where recovery in sectors like automobiles and semiconductors was balanced by weaker performance in foreign economies such as China.
>As for historical trends, the DI has fluctuated significantly over time. The recent peak occurred in December 2017, when the index for large manufacturers reached 25. Conversely, the lowest point in recent history was during the June 2020 survey amid the pandemic, when the index dropped to -34.
>The Tankan large manufacturers' business sentiment index (業況判断DI) experienced notable peaks and troughs across the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s:
>1980s: The index reached a peak of 36 in Q4 1988, during Japan's bubble economy. However, it faced a steep drop following the bubble burst.
ChatGPTは「1980s: The index reached a peak of 36 in Q4 1988, during Japan's bubble economy.」と言うが、日銀の公式サイトのグラフを見ると1988年の業況判断DI(大企業製造業)は50を超えているように見える。
>It appears that the Tankan Large Manufacturers Index in Q4 1988, which you referenced from the Bank of Japan's official site, shows a different figure than what I initially mentioned. The graph you observed likely indicates a peak exceeding 50 during Japan’s economic bubble. This is consistent with the high business confidence of that period, reflecting a strong manufacturing sector.
>For more precise details, you can directly refer to the Bank of Japan's Tankan survey results, or consult financial information platforms like Markets Insider and Investing.com.